Hi elastic community,
I’m have some new problems with snapshots failing.
A little background: We are required to archive our log data and keep it for a long time. What we do is create a single snapshot policy per indices and take the snapshot. Once the snapshot is “archived” on our repository server we delete the indices from our production ELK stack. This is how we manage our small cluster to keep from filling up the data storage.
I have over 120 snapshots each of single individual indices. It’s been a few months since I have gone through and “cleaned out” our cluster of older indices in this manner.
Currently when I create a new policy for a target indices and run the policy to make a snapshot, it fails. The failure is a “Partial failure”. In the “Failed indices” tab in Kibana the failure states:
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: UncategorizedExecutionException[Failed execution]; nested: ExecutionException[java.nio.file.FileSystemException: \SERVER\SHAREDSTORAGE\indices%filename%\0%filename%: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
]; nested: FileSystemExceptoin[\SERVER\SHAREDSTORAGE\indices%filename\0%filename%: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The repository server is up and when I verify the repository it shows connected and the list of our ELK stack nodes.
I’ve done some searching about this but am not finding anything useful or related to my specific issue.
Any ideas on the problem here?