ELK Stack 6.x vs EFK Stack 6.x, general guideline for Hardware Sizing resources (recommendation)?


I'm sorry for the post.
I have read all the Internet recommendation but is not so clear.

In fact I want to deploy ELK Stack and EFK Stack and for this I didn't find any "general guideline for Hardware sizing of resources" per >>single node<< vs >>cluster<<.

In my case I will have only one node (1 VM) to use for:

  • ELK Stack ( Kibana, Elasticsearch, Logstash).
  • EFK Stack (Kibana, Elasticsearch, FluentD).

Hardware recommendation for >>Single node<<, >>cluster<< will be:

  • CPU = ?
  • MEMORY = ?
  • IOPs = ?

In my case I have 1VM (EFK Stack) and I try to figure out what scenario will be the best.

***Could be possible to have a more clear detailed recommendation than (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/hardware.html) or to have a possibility to develop a calculator for ELK Stack that will be available in order to have a better view than now.

Kind Regards,

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