Email sending error in elastalert. SMTPSenderRefused: (530, '5.5.1 Authentication Required)

i got gmail authentication error. my config and error message as below I already allowed less secure apps in gmail

Config.yaml file email section as below

name: frequency_rule
type: frequency
index: security
num_events: 50

days: 1


smtp_host: ""
smtp_port: "465"
smtp_ssl: true
from_addr: ""
user: ""
password: "password"

Error message as below

PS C:\Users\smiforce-2ndPC\Downloads\Compressed\elastalert-master\elastalert-master> python -m elastalert.elastalert --verbose --config ./config.yaml --rule ./alert_rules/frequency4.yaml
INFO:elastalert:Starting up
INFO:elastalert:Queried rule frequency_rule4 from 2017-11-20 09:48 Central Standard Time to 2017-11-21 09:48 Central Standard Time: 24 / 24 hits
ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\smiforce-2ndPC\Downloads\Compressed\elastalert-master\elastalert-master\elastalert\", line 1246, in alert
return self.send_alert(matches, rule, alert_time=alert_time, retried=retried)
File "C:\Users\smiforce-2ndPC\Downloads\Compressed\elastalert-master\elastalert-master\elastalert\", line 1326, in send_alert
File "elastalert\", line 451, in alert
self.smtp.sendmail(self.from_addr, to_addr, email_msg.as_string())
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 737, in sendmail
raise SMTPSenderRefused(code, resp, from_addr)
SMTPSenderRefused: (530, '5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at\n5.5.1 l4sm636961ioc.69 - gsmtp', '')

ERROR:root:Uncaught exception running rule frequency_rule4: (530, '5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at\n5.5.1 l4sm636961ioc.69 - gsmt

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