Enhance the User Experience page with a search/filter bar similar to the one in APM

We really like the User Experience page you have created. However, there are times where we wish we could filter the data. For example, by user.name or labels.some_field. If we had a similar search bar to what's in APM it would give us the flexibility we need, as well as, to any other organizations using your product.


Hi @Kohlman, thanks a lot for your enhancement request, we really appreciate your desire to help us improve the product.

We're currently tracking your request in the Kibana repo, but I can't make promises as to whether/when it will be tackled. If you also want to add any details and longer concrete examples about the journey/goal you want to achieve, please feel free to do so.


Hi @Kohlman - Thanks for the feedback. We have a really cool new feature coming out with our upcoming 7.16 stack release called the "Exploratory View". It will enable you to do exactly what you're after in a really user friendly interface. It will also let you do period on period comparisons, compare other data types (ie synthetic vs RUM) as well as slice and dice the data in a number of different ways.

That's great to hear!! I tried to search for a estimated release date and was unsuccessful. Do you know what the estimated release date is?


Like everything, it depends! I anticipate we'll see the public release in the next few weeks though.


Thanks again for the follow up. I totally understand that release dates can be a moving target. I should have been more specific, I was looking for a 1 month, 3 month 6 month kind of target. Which you have kindly provided. We will keep a look out and get the release in to our "rnd/development" environment as soon as it comes out.

Keep up the good work!!!


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