Error 7: Saved Visualization Service. Type missing

We are not sure what happened. Hoping someone may help.
We were collecting winlogbeat and filebeat for a few days. then
we get the following error 7: Saved Visualization Service: Visualization type is missing. Please add a type to this visualization.
No data is collecting and when you click on "Visualize", it then redirects you to the be;low page, with the error message..

No results found

Unfortunately I could not find any results matching your search. I tried really hard. I looked all over the place and frankly, I just couldn't find anything good. Help me, help you. Here are some ideas:

Hi @semperfi4000,

What were you doing (or trying to do) when you saw that error? Were you loading up a saved dashboard? Or loading up a saved visualization? Or trying to save a new visualization you had just created?



Thank you for your reply.

Update: I noticed when I start the kibana service, it stops logstash, if I start logstash it stops kibana.
I added the correct cert, and now don't get the lumberjack issues.
but, I do get Error: expected one of # ,{at line 36, column 7(byte 958} after input {
gstash {:level=>:error}

I have 2 saved searches, nether works, says No Results found.
If I load a dashboard, I don't have any data. If I create a visualize, it redirects me to no results found..
I did notice, when I do a Logstash Configtest I get: "invalid settings for lumberjack input plugin:" as if the cert does not exist. but, they do.
in my beats-input & eventviewer-input they are located in /etc/pki/tls/certs & ./private

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