Hi there,
I have installed the ElasticAgent on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS via the suggested commandline:
sudo ./elastic-agent install -f --kibana-url= --enrollment-token=cTZFSzFuZ0JrSlg2TXhjV1o0M1E6bUdzNVhFQktRY2lidFYyYURXTlFCQQ== --insecure
The ELK stack on has a self signing certificate so I had to provide the insecure flag.
After successful enrolment the Agent goes unhealthy.
I looked into the Agent logs and found this suspicious lines:
{"log.level":"debug","@timestamp":"2021-04-15T15:20:02.422Z","log.origin":{"file.name":"application/action_dispatcher.go","file.line":93},"message":"Failed to dispatch action 'action_id: 44f410d0-9dfb-11eb-a0dd-054b4cf002cc, type: POLICY_CHANGE', error: fail to communicate with updated API client hosts: Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
It seems like it didn't save the ELK IP address and instead is putting a default of
I have a similar issue with Windows too but let's try to focus on Ubuntu for now.