Error: fail to enroll: fail to execute request to fleet-server: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Hey there,
I've tried to install elastic-agent on ubuntu host and get the next error:

Enrolling Elastic Agent with Fleet...{"log.level":"warn","@timestamp":"2023-12-05T20:38:37.405Z","log.logger":"tls","log.origin":{"":"tlscommon/tls_config.go","file.line":107},"message":"SSL/TLS verifications disabled.","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
.{"log.level":"info","@timestamp":"2023-12-05T20:38:38.059Z","log.origin":{"":"cmd/enroll_cmd.go","file.line":479},"message":"Starting enrollment to URL:","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Error: fail to enroll: fail to execute request to fleet-server: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
For help, please see our troubleshooting guide at
Stopping service... DONE
   Stopping service... DONE
   Stopping upgrade watcher; none found... DONE
..   Removing service.... DONE
   Removing install directory... DONE
Error: enroll command failed for unknown reason: exit status 1
For help, please see our troubleshooting guide at

My initial command was:

curl -L -O
tar xzvf elastic-agent-8.11.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd elastic-agent-8.11.0-linux-x86_64
sudo ./elastic-agent install --url=https://x.x.x.x:8220 --enrollment-token=SzBhRE9vd0JvVnRmeTI5eENPbmk6UzNnZ2ZVazBRMW1hZGtNTEkxWU45dw== --insecure

Could you please help me? How can I solve this problem?

judging by the log it is necessary to use --url http instead of https

Unfortunately this one does not work

I've solved my problem. Proxy server blocked connection from host to fleet server. It was my bad and stupid mistake. Thanks a lot, pay attention to another deviices between hosts and fleet server.

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