Error in syntax with multi fields search

I look at "Elasticsearch Do's, Don'ts and Pro-Tips - Itamar Syn Hershko" video tutorial at I see condition on several
fiedls and try to make it in my Laravel 5.7 app(with elasticsearch/elasticsearch plugin) as :

        $elasticQuery = [
            "bool" => [
                "must"   => [
                    "multi_match" => [
                        "query"  => $text,
                        "fields" => ["name^4", "description"]
                "should" => [
                    "term" => [
                        "category_id" => 1,

But I got error :

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[bool] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]","line":1,"col":133}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[bool] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]","line":1,"col":133},"status":400}

Can you say why error and which syntax is valid?

When I use simple condition:

                $elasticQuery = [
                    'multi_match' => [
                        'query' => $text,
                        'fields' => ['name^4', 'description'],
I got valid results as I expected...


Making some search I found working next syntax :

        $elasticQuery = [
            "bool" => [
                'should' => [

                                "multi_match" => [
                                    "query"  => $text,
                                    "type"   => "cross_fields",
                                    "fields" => [

                            'match' => [
                                'category_id' => [
                                    'query' => 1,

                            'match' => [
                                'category_id' => [
                                    'query' => 3,

when I need to make search by text fields and array of category (1 and 3) in example above.

It works, but looks like it works like "OR" condition, but I need to make restriction as "AND" if to use sql terminology...

Which way is correct to make restriction as "AND" ?

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