I would like to create a query which matches based on a phrase query but also filters based off of multiple fields. I am using PHP API syntax, but its pretty obvious how to translate the syntax. This is my query:
$searchParams = [
'index' => 'main_search',
'type' => 'my_type',
'explain' => false,
'body' => [
'from' => $offset,
'size' => $perPage * 2,
'query' => [
'function_score' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'filter' =>[
'bool' =>[
'must' => [
['terms' => ['price' => $price]],
['terms' => ['media_type' => $mediaType]],
'should' => [
'multi_match' => [
'query' => $query,
'type' => 'most_fields',
'fields' => ['author','category','title', 'tag_name_list', 'tag_name_list^3', 'title.stemmed', 'title.shingles', 'title.autocomplete', 'tag_name_list.stemmed^3', 'tag_name_list.shingles^3'],
'script_score' => [
'script' => [
'lang' => 'painless',
'inline' => "
double avgRating = (doc['num_ratings'].value == 0) ? 2 : doc['avg_rating'].value;
long numRatings = (doc['num_ratings'].value == null) ? 0 : doc['num_ratings'].value;
double rating = ((numRatings * 2.0/(numRatings + 2.0)) * avgRating) + ((2.0/(numRatings + 2.0)) * 2.0);
rating * _score"
When I was using one filter (without the bool inside of the filter) it was working. Now it is not. The input $mediaType variable and the $price variable are arrays of values that I want to filter by. Anyone know why I am getting "parsing_exception","reason":"[terms] unknown token [END_ARRAY] trying to do multiple field filter after [media_type] ?