Error indexing in elasticsearch due to indexing failure, id: 9, error: Limit of total fields [1000]


So I've started having the following error in elasticsearch. "Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 9, error: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [metrics-2017.11.06] has been exceeded".

My first approach was to have a look at the index and see what kind of fields were there using the "_mapping" and Kibana for easier visualization.

But what I found is that I'm not near to 1000 fields. Using Kibana, the total number of fields in this index is 505 fields. Am I missing something?

Elasticsearch version is 5.5.2.

Thanks for your help,

Hugo Marcelino

Where are you seeing the error?

Hi Mark,

I was seeing that in Kibana > Management > Index Patterns.

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