ES kopf and head plugins with shield


I've just setup my elasticseearch cluster with shiled. Since doing that, my kopf and head plugins have gone dark and can't pull any information. What do I need to do?


Never mind to this one. The data turned up in a while. I waited about 20 minutes before seeing any info in kopf. It usually turns up immediately without shield, which is why I asked.

All set now.

How did you get this working?

I can connect to HQ plugin just fine. However, neither head or kopf are working for me. I've left them running for a couple hours and still nothing. weird thing is when you go to info in head it shows the default api info.


"status": 200,
"name": "elk-test-01.lab.local",
"cluster_name": "elktest",
"version": {
"number": "1.5.2",
"build_hash": "62ff9868b4c8a0c45860bebb259e21980778ab1c",
"build_timestamp": "2015-04-27T09:21:06Z",
"build_snapshot": false,
"lucene_version": "4.10.4"
"tagline": "You Know, for Search"

I figured it out. I didn't have any indexes in my cluster so they were both saying the cluster was down. Once I made some indexes it started working right away.