ES5.4: invalid_type_name_exception

I'm running ElasticSearch 5.4 on Laravel 5.5

When i run php artisan elastic:index to index the indices I get following error:

[In Connection.php line 610:

  ument mapping type name can't start with '_', found: [_doc]"}],"type":"inva  
  lid_type_name_exception","reason":"Document mapping type name can't start w  
  ith '_', found: [_doc]"},"status":400}   ]

my index is called ah_index_dev2_de

You can't use _doc as the type name with this version.

how can i change that?

I have no idea. If you did not do it yourself, may be Laravel did so the answer will be most likely on Laravel forums.

But may be the easiest way is to run a 6.6.1 elasticsearch cluster instead of a 5.x version?

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