esrally.exceptions.LaunchError: Daemon startup failed with exit code [1]

Hi Team,

When we try to run esrally on linux server, we are getting an exception.

esrally.exceptions.LaunchError: Daemon startup failed with exit code [1]

Kindly help in resolving this error.

Thanks and regards,
Likhith P


I've opened a change to Rally which will log ES startup errors Surface ES startup errors to the Rally log by DJRickyB · Pull Request #1476 · elastic/rally · GitHub

In the meantime, the way that I troubleshoot this is:

  1. Run my failing race/start command with --preserve-install
  2. Navigate to the installation. Its directory should be printed in the console log, but by default it is at $HOME/.rally/benchmarks/races/<race-id>/rally-node-0/install
  3. In the nested elasticsearch-$VERSION directory, you can simulate what Rally was trying to do by invoking bin/elasticsearch -d. The result of that command should be the same as what Rally was getting when it tried to start your node.

Hope that helps!
Rick B

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