Events Per Second - JSON for Metric Visualization


I'm trying to work out how to do an Events Per Second metric that over-rides the page specified time period.

I tried {"interval":"1s"} but this didn't change the value. Anyone any ideas?


Are you trying to plot a derivative of a series or just change the label?

Hi Tanya,

I'm just trying to get a live value for the number of documents/events being processed by logstash and displayed in Kibana. I did see some articles about doing this at logstash, but i'd hoped to try and keep it in the Kibana interface.


Hey Pete,

Are you logging the number of documents processed by Logstash as time series in an ES document? If so, you might be trying to then display it as a rate, which is reasonable. This is not currently possible in Kibana 4 as the derivative function is not supported in Visualize.

However, if you install the Timelion plugin, you'll be able to add a "Timeseries" data chart which will allow you to create charts that display derivatives. Keep in mind it's an experimental plugin, but that should work. If you do end up trying it out, we'd love your feedback here.
