Explain the kibana dashboard link

I have created a dashboard in kibana. It has a share link that goes llike this

I am using kibana 6.0 in dev mode. First the txg part, it keeps on changing every time I start up kibana.
Second where is this app/kibana folder.
Lastly please explain this 934c1210 number is this index number or something else.

The txg is the base path. This gets automatically generated in dev mode to help us test the scenario where users run Kibana behind a proxy which makes kibana available under a different root than /.

app/kibana isn't a physical folder, it's a route defined and handled by the Kibana backend.

The number is the ID of the dashboard document stored in the .kibana index in Elasticsearch.

Thanks for the help.

One more ques where is this .kibana index in ES..is it in the config file.

No, it's a regular Elasticsearch index. Kibana's data is stored just like any other data in Elasticsearch.

thanks for the reply

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