Facing problem while installing Logstash,Elasticsearch and Kibana on CentOS 7

Hello All,
I am trying to install Logstash,Elasticsearch and Kibana on centos7 (64-bit) using latest rpm of all 3 packages. But each time I face problem while installing. I don't want Nginx with that. I want to run it on Apache web server.

Does anyone has exact documentation / steps for installing Logstash,Elasticsearch and Kibana on centos7 (without Nginx) . If yes, can anyone please provide me documentation / steps .

Thanks. Waiting for reply.

Vikas G.

What do you need the Apache web server for? I assume you're using this tutorial? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-elasticsearch-logstash-and-kibana-elk-stack-on-centos-7 You can use a reverse proxy to access Kibana but it's not necessary. If you install all 3 with RPMs, the only other thing you will need is Java and then they all should work right out of the box.