Fail to add second fleet server with error missing enrollment api key

Hi all,
I have a weird case that i dont know how to fix.
I've already setup a fleet server successfully and already enrolling agent to that fleet. But now i want to add another fleet server to the cluster to ensure high availability for the fleet cluster.
I have try enrolling with the same policy as the old fleet server, the same cert, key and everything, i also try to create another policy and still it's not working.
It keep giving me the error:

Error: fail to enroll: fail to execute request to fleet-server: 1 error occurred:
* missing enrollment api key

I've also try to enroll the agent with a diff policy ( this action was a success ) then change the policy to the one with fleet-server but then fleet-server did not installed on the serrver with the agent installed on.

How to i resolve this error?

Thanks for your time.

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