Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 2600:1901:0:1d7:: 443]


i am trying to install Elastic Search but i am getting the error:
Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 2600:1901:0:1d7:: 443]

Could it be that you blocked IP Addresses? My IP is located in Germany - Frankfurt.


Hi @Andi0r,

Thanks for raising your issue. Can you raise your ip and location information on this thread in the same format rather than raising a separate post? Then we can get the unblock actioned.

Hope that helps!

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Hi, i am sorry, did not see the other thread, added my IPs there, how long does it take to get unblocked?

It can take a bit of time, but I have added the IPs from the other thread to a ticket to try and get the change through quickly.

Hope that helps!

Hi Carly,
now its already one week and it still does not work, how long can it take?
best regards

Hi @Andi0r,

I understand the frustration that it is taking time. I'm happy to update you when I receive word on the ticket that it has been resolved. But until that happens all I can advise is that it's still pending.

Hope that helps!

will the problem ever be solved? now its 3 weeks ago and its not working...

Hi @Andi0r,

We've updated the original thread with the IPs that have been unblocked. I believe yours should be listed. Can you double check please?

yep the ip is correct, but only ipv4 not ipv6, but i will manage by myself to use only v4 for this connection...

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