Feasibility to send alerts only if consecutive errors are occurred using elastalert

Hi All,

I am trying to setup alerting using elastalert and I am trying to achieve below scenarios.

scenario 1: Send alert if there are 3 consecutive 400 errors. (Which is working fine)

scenario 2: Do not send alert if we get any 200 or success between 3 4xx errors.

Is there any feasibility to do this in elastalert?

Elastalert is not supported here so I would recommend reaching out to the Elastalert community or the creators.

Hi @Christian_Dahlqvist

Thank you for the reply

Is there any method in elasticsearch to search 3 consecutive 400 errors in specific timeframe without any other 200 responses.

Actually, we want to check any method or any way is available to search for the below scenarios in elasticsearch

  1. it's possible to exclude matches for 5 consecutive 500's when it's interrupted by a 200:
No match: 5 5 5 2 5 5
   Match: 2 5 5 5 5 5
   Match: 5 5 5 5 5 5
  1. it's possible to exclude matches for 3 consecutive 400 when it's interrupted by a 200:
No Match: 4 4 2 4
No Match: 2 4 4 2
   Match: 4 4 4 

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