Field and Document Level Security Limitations

Hi all,

I've got a question regarding the security limitations: a normal user (even having all privileges to a particular index) cannot _update documents:

"type": "security_exception",
"reason": "Can't execute an update request if field or document level security is enabled"

But the super-user "elastic" account is able to _update anything!
The question: if the _update API is not supported with doc-level security, why the "superuser" role can update? And what kind of privileges should be given to a normal user (role) in order to be a "superuser" for a particular index?


Can you provide more details? The superuser role grants access to everything and the role itself does not use document and field level security. The error message is a bit misleading but what it really means is if a user's permissions for an index contains a query (document level security) or field restrictions then we consider document and field level security enabled for this request so the user cannot use the update API.

Simply assign a role that grants all privileges to this index and do not specify a query or fields in the role.

superuser role grants access to everything and the role itself does not use document and field level security.

I think, this is the key point, thank you for explaining that!

Could please clarify, when a role becomes a superuser role?

POST /_xpack/security/role/root
  "cluster": ["all"],  // (1)
  "indices": [
      "names": [
        "*"            // (2)
      "privileges": [
        "all"          // (3)
	  "query": """
			"template": {
			   "inline": "{ \"bool\" : { \"should\": [{ \"terms\": { \"user.roles.keyword\": {{#toJson}}_user.roles{{/toJson}} } }, { \"match\": { \"user.username.keyword\": \"{{_user.username}}\" } }] } }"
  "run_as": ["*"],     // (4)
  "metadata": {},
  "transient_metadata": {
    "enabled": true

(1) does not make the role a superuser
(3) for a single index (e.g. "names":["test"]) and for all indices (as above) - does not make the role a superuser-role
(4) does not make the role a superuser

Update request:

POST http://localhost:9200/test/t/1009/_update
{"doc":{"random": "111"}}


    "error": {
        "root_cause": [
                "type": "security_exception",
                "reason": "Can't execute an update request if field or document level security is enabled"
        "type": "security_exception",
        "reason": "Can't execute an update request if field or document level security is enabled"
    "status": 400


[2017-02-08T08:13:06,883][DEBUG][o.e.x.s.a.l.LdapRealm    ] [host] authenticated user [sguy], with roles [[Domain Admins, Denied RODC Password Replication Group, root, Domain Users, Administrators, sales]]

So, how can a role be made a superuser role for a particular index?
Thank you!

What do you mean by superuser role? Can you provide the output of GET /_xpack/security/role/root and GET /_xpack/security/role/sales

If you mean that the user has all privileges on a specific index:

  "indices": [
      "names": [
      "privileges": [

Notice that there is no query or fields key in the role.

If you mean for the whole cluster, then just use the superuser role that is provided.

very good question! :slight_smile:
By superuser role I mean a role (not the built-in one!), that can do any changes on a particular index.

I guess, I got it finally - if a role with "priviliges: all" has a role query, when it won't be able to perform _update requests, right?


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