[field [@timestamp] doesn't exist]

Hello all,
i have a problem with Kibana about @timestamp.
i insert log using logstash_format and no error happen.

yellow open logstash-2016.02.01 5 1 21 0 72.9kb 72.9kb
yellow open logstash-2016.03.11 5 1 10 0 38.5kb 38.5kb

then, configure index well in kibana.

referer string

agent string

code string

_index string

method string

remote string

path string

@timestamp date

size string

host string

_source _source

user string

_id string

_type string

_score number

but whenever i try to look Discover tab in kibana, get this error :

[2016-04-11 18:39:26,821][DEBUG][action.fieldstats ] [Tex Dawson] [logstash-2016.01.14][4], node[cJq78nGWTXONlSL-Ptk54A], [P], v[2], s[STARTED], a[id=3ebAih60Rg26W9ShzSAiGw]: failed to execute [org.elasticsearch.action.fieldstats.FieldStatsRequest@68261a67]
RemoteTransportException[[Tex Dawson][][indices:data/read/field_stats[s]]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[field [@timestamp] doesn't exist];
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: field [@timestamp] doesn't exist

does anyone know this problem?

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I have the same issue with kibana.

[2016-04-28 09:11:47,105][DEBUG][action.fieldstats ] [noeud-0] [.kibana][0], node[ksDDAdWPQsW7W0h3wAezyA], [P], v[18], s[STARTED], a[id=dvF8UZSNTu-oYnQ4IZY98Q]: failed to execute [org.elasticsearch.action.fieldstats.FieldStatsRequest@370e6523]
RemoteTransportException[[noeud-0][][indices:data/read/field_stats[s]]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[field [@timestamp] doesn't exist];
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: field [@timestamp] doesn't exist

Someone ?

i resolved this by importing time field.
i am using fluentd, not logstash, is default as no time field.
(if you using fluentd, refer to this.)

or you should check time field using this :
POST /_search
"query": { "match_all": {} }

I'll check that !