Field with "dot" in value not persisting value in transform

I'm using Painless to do a transform for a Slack alert message. I believe I've followed the standard for using Painless to be able to persist fields that have a dot in them. However, those fields always show up as null. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the request:

          "trigger": {
            "schedule": {
              "interval": "1m"
          "input": {
            "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": [
                "rest_total_hits_as_int": true,
                "body": {
                  "query": {
                    "bool": {
                      "filter": [
                          "bool": {
                            "should": [
                                "range": {
                                  "@timestamp": {
                                    "gte": "now-5d"
                                "exists": {
                                  "field": "audit_created"
                      "must_not": [],
                      "should": [],
                      "must": []
          "condition": {
            "compare": {
              "": {
                "gt": 0
          "transform": {
            "script": {
              "params": {
                "tz": "+11:00"
              "source": "return ['items': ctx.payload.hits.hits.collect (data -> ['time_triggered': Instant.ofEpochMilli(ctx.payload.hits.hits.0._source.audit_created).atZone(ZoneId.of('America/Denver')).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')), 'agent_version': data._source['agent.version'], 'enterprise_id': data._source['enterprise_id'], 'hostName': data._source['host.hostname']])]",
              "lang": "painless"
          "actions": {
            "notify-slack": {
              "slack": {
                "account": "monitoring",
                "message": {
                  "from": "mx-prod - Agent Registration",
                  "to": [
                  "attachments": [
                      "color": "danger",
                      "title": "A New Agent Registered",
                      "text": ""

Here is the response. Notice that agent.version and host.hostname are NULL in the transform.

      "input": {
        "search": {
          "request": {
            "search_type": "query_then_fetch",
            "indices": [
            "rest_total_hits_as_int": true,
            "body": {
              "query": {
                "bool": {
                  "filter": [
                      "bool": {
                        "should": [
                            "range": {
                              "@timestamp": {
                                "gte": "now-8h"
                            "exists": {
                              "field": "audit_created"
                  "must_not": [],
                  "should": [],
                  "must": []
      "condition": {
        "compare": {
          "": {
            "gt": 0
      "metadata": {
        "xpack": {
          "type": "json"
      "result": {
        "execution_time": "2020-05-29T17:47:00.749Z",
        "execution_duration": 29,
        "input": {
          "type": "search",
          "status": "success",
          "payload": {
            "_shards": {
              "total": 3,
              "failed": 0,
              "successful": 3,
              "skipped": 0
            "hits": {
              "hits": [
                  "_index": "agent-2020.05.13",
                  "_type": "_doc",
                  "_source": {
                    "agent": {
                      "last_state": 1589922898272,
                      "fingerprint": "3c712f7018420488",
                      "last_heartbeat": 1589941628000,
                      "version": "3.2.171"
                    "audit_modified": 1589568992196,
                    "host": {
                      "hostname": "",
                      "os": {
                        "kernel": "#1 SMP Tue Mar 17 23:49:17 UTC 2020",
                        "name": "",
                        "family": null,
                        "version": "3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "full": null
                      "architecture": "x86_64"
                    "classifier": {
                      "version": {
                        "current": "1.0.10",
                        "pending": null
                  "_index": "agent-2020.05.13",
                  "_type": "_doc",
                  "_source": {
                    "agent": {
                      "fingerprint": "96E07700C5F960Bc",
                      "last_heartbeat": 1587691415296,
                      "version": "3.2.146"
                    "audit_modified": 1587691415353,
                    "host": {
                      "hostname": "centos7.cpanel.monarx",
                      "os": {
                        "kernel": "#1 SMP Mon Mar 18 15:06:45 UTC 2019",
                        "name": "centos7.cpanel.monarx",
                        "family": null,
                        "version": "3.10.0-957.10.1.el7.x86_64",
                        "platform": "Linux",
                        "full": null
                      "architecture": "x86_64"
                    "classifier": {
                      "version": {
                        "current": "1.0.7",
                        "pending": null
                    "_class": "com.monarx.api.agent.model.Agent",
                    "id": "309c44a1b10f216cca94c69818e5ca49ed5798d389c9b9327a510d958fd82af8",
                    "protect": [],
                    "enterprise_id": "6661b2b5-7f50-4f50-af5d-dd00d534ddb9",
                    "audit_created": 1587691152070
                  "_id": "309c44a1b10f216cca94c69818e5ca49ed5798d389c9b9327a510d958fd82af8",
                  "_score": 0
                  "_index": "agent-2020.05.13",
                  "_type": "_doc",
                  "_source": {
                    "agent": {
                      "last_state": 1589343620445,
                      "fingerprint": "8b8689603fCbE078",
                      "last_heartbeat": 1589821721000,
                      "version": "3.2.171"
                    "_class": "com.monarx.api.agent.model.Agent",
                    "id": "abd3da30bb89edc508b892d28647527bace1c8e943df8e7cecbf5771631e58ed",
                  "_index": "agent-2020.05.13",
                  "_type": "_doc",
                  "_source": {
                    "agent": {
                      "fingerprint": "77B4Ee7036Ed9e40",
                      "version": "3.2.171"
                    "audit_modified": 1589949486554,
                    "host": {
                      "hostname": ""
                    "_class": "com.monarx.api.agent.model.Agent",
                    "id": "899a9d5057432641b13d749b95197615a28666dfe1e4431cfd91c2d8bc392a8d",
                    "enterprise_id": "6257fd1e-aa67-4957-b7e0-445638474a11",
                    "audit_created": 1589949486554
                  "_id": "899a9d5057432641b13d749b95197615a28666dfe1e4431cfd91c2d8bc392a8d",
                  "_score": 0
                  "_index": "agent-2020.05.13",
                  "_type": "_doc",
                  "_source": {
                    "agent": {
                      "fingerprint": "E26fD7C06c4b001c",
                      "version": "3.2.171"
                    "audit_modified": 1589949490679,
                    "host": {
                      "hostname": ""
                    "_class": "com.monarx.api.agent.model.Agent",
                    "id": "48c1fc1a8e5b260155f6ee7540325e54e8d3d91b3cf3149efb69865b5341304c",
                    "enterprise_id": "6257fd1e-aa67-4957-b7e0-445638474a11",
                    "audit_created": 1589949490679
                  "_id": "48c1fc1a8e5b260155f6ee7540325e54e8d3d91b3cf3149efb69865b5341304c",
                  "_score": 0
              "total": 107,
              "max_score": 0
            "took": 7,
            "timed_out": false
          "search": {
            "request": {
              "search_type": "query_then_fetch",
              "indices": [
              "rest_total_hits_as_int": true,
              "body": {
                "query": {
                  "bool": {
                    "filter": [
                        "bool": {
                          "should": [
                              "range": {
                                "@timestamp": {
                                  "gte": "now-8h"
                              "exists": {
                                "field": "audit_created"
                    "must_not": [],
                    "should": [],
                    "must": []
        "condition": {
          "type": "always",
          "status": "success",
          "met": true
        "transform": {
          "type": "script",
          "status": "success",
          "payload": {
            "items": [
                "agent_version": null,
                "hostName": null,
                "time_triggered": "2020-03-30 13:48:31",
                "enterprise_id": "6257fd1e-aa67-4957-b7e0-445638474a11"
                "agent_version": null,
                "hostName": null,
                "time_triggered": "2020-03-30 13:48:31",
                "enterprise_id": "8293a152-160f-4723-bcf3-13f4e6e49900"
                "agent_version": null,
                "hostName": null,
                "time_triggered": "2020-03-30 13:48:31",
                "enterprise_id": "ddb8a1d8-f9cf-49a8-b5c6-396b9d6b39ca"
        "actions": [
            "id": "notify-slack",
            "type": "slack",
            "status": "simulated",
            "slack": {
              "message": {
                "from": "mx-prod - Agent Registration",
                "to": [
                "attachments": [
                    "color": "danger",
                    "title": "A New Agent Registered",
                    "text": ""
      "messages": []

try data._source.agent.version

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