Filebeat on Raspberry Pi

Continuing the discussion from How to install Filebeat on a ARM based SBC (eg. Raspberry Pi 3):

@andrewkroh Provided easy steps to build an ARM binary for rpi. Consolidated into a shell script for easy execution. Tested on rpi 2 and 3 running stretch.

Here is the script I used:

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1) Build
# NOTE: the git checkout version needs to match the elastic search API version
# -------------------------------------------------------------

echo "--------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  Downloading source..."
echo "--------------------------------"
go get
cd /go/src/
git checkout "v${elastic_version}"
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  Building source..."
echo "--------------------------------"
GOARCH=arm go build
cp filebeat /build
cd /build

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 2) Download the tar
# The url contains the version number like this: ""
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# then download the linux tar from:
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  Downloading filebeat tarball from:"
echo "  ${download_url}"
echo "---------------------------------------"
curl $download_url -o download.tar 

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 3) Untar, modify, tar
# Drop the filebeat binary into the new tar....
# -------------------------------------------------------------
echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  Adding the filebeat binary to the tar..."
echo "--------------------------------------------"
mkdir workdir
tar -xf download.tar -C workdir --strip-components=1
cp filebeat workdir/filebeat
cd workdir
tar -zcf ../pibeats-${elastic_version}.tar.gz .
cd ..
echo "--------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  Clearning up..."
echo "--------------------------------"
rm -rf filebeat
rm -rf workdir
rm -rf download.tar

echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "  $(date)"
echo "  COMPLETE! Copy pibeats.tar.gz to raspberry pi!"
echo ""
echo "  Something like this?"
echo "  scp ./pibeats.tar.gz username@pi_address:/home/username/"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"

I ended up configuring filebeat with docker on my Raspberry Pi. I put all the details here:

I'm happy with the results, and I like seeing the logs in real-time from my pi.

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