Filebeat service won't run on windows 2016 & 2012r2 EC2 instance

Configured my windows instance with the instance metadata.
Used the install-service-filebeat.ps1 to install the service.
The result is:

PS C:\Filebeat> C:\Filebeat\install-service-filebeat.ps1

__GENUS : 2
__PATH :
ReturnValue : 5
PSComputerName :

__GENUS : 2
__PATH :
ReturnValue : 0
PSComputerName :

Status : Stopped
Name : filebeat
DisplayName : filebeat

Since I am using SSM to automate the process of bringing up and testing these instances, I need to know how to get from install, which doesn't complain, but also doesn't bring up the service, to something that will install and start the filebeat service.

Any ideas? Used

In case anyone is running into the same problem, it was a problem with the configuration file.
Our linux instances use [] chars around the hosts list, and windows doesn't like that.
'unknown escape character' is what it complained about.

This issue can be closed. automation is working now.

Would you be able to open an issue on GitHub so we can look at this further, perhaps there's something we can do in the code to factor this in?

There is no need. It didn't start on boot because characters that are fine in the linux config caused windows to fail. Once I fixed the config file, then filebeat came up just fine.

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