Filter Synthetics Tests for Synthetics Alert

I updated our Elastic stack to 8.14.0 earlier this week when it became available. As I was working with our synthetics, I observed that it is now possible to create a new Synthetics alert rule in addition to the default one. However, I cannot see how to filter for tests (e.g., by tags), similar to the way it can be done in Uptime.

My questions are:

  • Is this possible at this time in the UI and I'm just missing it?
  • If it's not possible in the UI, but can be done via the API, can I get instructions on how to do this?
  • If it's not possible at this time, is this on the roadmap and how soon will it be available?


PS - I'm currently using Uptime alerts to accomplish my goals, but the ability to use the actual Synthetics alerts would be better.