Custom Alert Rules for Sythetics

We've been using the new Synthetics capability in Elastic Observability to much success, however we've run into a distinct issue that it's not clear how to send specific synthetic alerts to specific channels.

For Uptime monitors, there's the "Uptime monitor status" rule option, however there's no equivalent for synthetics. This is greatly limiting our ability to expand use of this feature as it's forcing us to funnel alarms.

I asked basically this same question a few days ago, you can see the answer I was given here.

I am successfully sending alerts from the the same workspace to different endpoints based on workspace name and tags as follows:

data_stream.namespace:"my_namespace" AND tags:("my_app" AND "my_env")

The one issue I'm having is that the uptime rules don't appear to respect the alert.status.enabled switch in my tests. I'm planning on resolving this in the short term by ignoring anything with a disable_alerts tag set, but I'm hoping there's a better solution.

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Awesome, thank you! Hopefully there's a good answer to the disabled alert question!

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The other thing I wonder...

I can't create a new Synthetics Rule through the UI, but I can GET a synthetics rule through the API. I'm curious whether a synthetics rule can be CREATED through the API. I'll have to ask that as a follow-up.

Hi @RichiCoder and @DougR - I have responded to @DougR's other topic on this same question.

If anything's unclear feel free to open this thread back up or ask on that thread.