Can't create alert rules for specific monitors anymore [8.13.4]

in the past I used to create separate alert rules for some of the Uptime or Synthetics Monitors to use different connectors for alerting (e.g. different Slack Channels).
I noticed today that with the current version, there's only one synthetics alerting rule and one TLS alerting rule and no option to create a new alerting rule of the type " Synthetics monitor status" or "Uptime" anymore. I tried to modify the existing synthetics alerting rule to use a different connector depending on a KQL Query. I tried referencing the monitor uuid or tags used on the monitor but these fields aren't available for the filter.
How can I achieve certain monitors alerting using specific connectors then?

I'm using 8.13.4 for the Elasticsearch Cluster, Kibana and Fleet Server.

Hi @chmaeuer,

Thanks for using the Synthetics monitoring solution. The Synthetics alerting functionality is not configurable atm, but its being worked on to make it more configurable. Please check the answer provided on this thread for some worarounds - Elastic Synthetics Alerts in the same workspace to different teams - #2 by jkambic
