Uptime monitor status cant use KQL to select specific synthetic monitor


Our elastic cloud stack (8.9.1) currently has following issue, where I can not use the KQL to create a alert for a specific synthetic monitor. The screenshot below shows the info "0 Monitors" selected.

Has anyone ever experienced a similar issue or could think about possible solutions?

Hello @niecore ,

It might be related to synthetics-* being not included anymore as default in uptime settings. Can you check what are you uptime index pattern settings? and which indices contains data?


Hello @shahzad31,

The "Uptime settings" page is not available on our instance. I thought the uptime monitor is using the "synthetic monitors".

Could you think of a configuration that disables our uptime settings?

Yes please go to kibana advanced settings, search with uptime. You will see a flag which will show that you can always show uptime app.


@shahzad31 this solved the problem. Thank you!

We recommend using Synthetics app. Uptime app will always be there. But new features are being constantly added to Synthetics app. So i will recommend maybe move setup to Public Locations or Private locations using synthetics app.

Would love to hear if you are having any challenges there.

Best Regards

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