Uptime alert filtering

If I would like to create an uptime alert with filtering only to certain monitor.name or monitor.type the filtering does not effects - all the monitors are checked and the alerts are fired.

In the result index (test1) the following document appeared.
"_index" : "test1",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "8BmianYBpUTboumd6Vw8",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"alert_time" : "2020-12-16T07:57:29.303Z",
"subject" : "test5",
"to" : "email1@abcd.net",
"message" : "Down monitor: jira_nginx-af274034a0a744e5"
So, it reports about a monitor that does not fitt in the filter.

I just spent a while trying to reproduce this, but wasn't able to. Would you be able to navigate to the alert management page and show the list of instances for your alert? It should look like the screenshot below. I'm wondering, could you have multiple alerts setup, and be looking at the output of another alert with broader criteria?

Hi Andrew,
Please check it below:

By the way I'm using ES and Kibana 7.9.2

I believe that this is the same bug mentioned here: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/79617 that was fixed in 7.9.3 / 7.10.x

Can you try updating your install and let us know if that solves things?

Thanks, I'll do the update soon and reply!

Thanks! That was the issue. I have upgraded to 7.10.1 and it is working now.

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