In "Rules and Connectors", I created an alert generating an email.
In this email, I want to display values of a fields, that contain NewLines
In Discover, we can see these NewLines.
In the email, there is no more NewLines.
Even though we use markdown, is there a way to display the value of this field, while respecting the NewLines in this value?
Thank you.
(I use Kibana 7.17)
I found a solution because the values with new lines come from a SQL query.
Then I modified the query like this :
- original :
select Message 'ErrMsg_Message', (...)
- after:
select REPLACE(Message, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ' ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)) 'ErrMsg_Message' (...)
As the DB server is under Windows, the End-of-line is CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) (hexa: 0D 0A).
It inserts two spaces before the EOL, so that markdown prints a new line.
I had also a similar problem with the date, to make it more readable. For example :
2023-04-27T13:36:32.364Z --> 27/04/2023 13:36:32
with :
select FORMAT(Date,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss '),
But to display the Kibana @timestamp (in the alert mail : {{context.date}}), I don't know.
Hope it helps....
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