Full Text Search with JAVA!

We have a project and we use ElasticSearch and Java. I improved myself and I can Aggregations, Delete, Update , Insert , Empty index creating, wildcard and mapping etc. from JAVA . But only problem is in our project we gonna use Full Text Search. Where does a word appear in ElasticSearch? I need to access them. For example, Let's think a database, there's a lot of text here, and I want to find "car" in it and display all. How can I do , I don't know.
I don't want access by index name! PLEASE HELP ME!!. :slight_smile:

Best Regards!

Serkan Demir - Full Stack Developer

I recommend starting reading this doc to understand query groups.

Then read about the new java client api to build queries in java.

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I use Elastic & Kibana version v7.16.1.
Is it a problem ?

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