Future timeline in kibana doesn't create any difference

We have added data with future timestamp but that data is still visible in future and past timestamps

Hi, sharing some questions to try to narrow down the issue:

Can you confirm the layer has the switch for the global time activated?


Can you confirm that the' timestamp' field is used as a time field in the Data View for that layer?

Have you checked the actual query sent to Elasticsearch with the Inspect tool (link on the top right bar)?

Any errors on the browser?

Which version of the Elastic Stack are you using?

Hey , we are using 8.12.1 version and I couldn't find inspect feature in that.
And global search is on.

I can see the Inspect link in your screenshots :thinking:

Anyway, I can see that the Apply global time to layer data switch is not present in the Filtering section, so I think the issue is that your Data View does not have any time field configured and hence does not apply any time filter to your visualizations.

If you visit that Data View page, you should see which Time Field is configured

If there is none (as I suspect) you need to edit the Data View and select one Timestamp field

I really made some silly mistakes and you obviously solved the problem
Thank you for the help

I have one more question, I have data with time and location, I am using track to connect all the data and make route but the problem is when I play time slider or in real time when the location changes the previous track starts vanishing.

what I am try is to display the current track with previous timestamps data.

Glad we figured it out :slight_smile:

Can you please open a new topic for this to keep things organized?

sure, this the link : Track of previous data with current timestamp in kibana