Time filter is not applying in the dash board

Hi, I have made a dashboard for some KPIs. When I try to filter with Time periods, at that time, some of the visuals are getting updated and some of them are not . I have used TimeStamp in all the dashboards. Attached are the screenshots of the same.

After filtering to the last 1 year.. no visuals are getting updated.

Do all panels use the same data view? Does your data view have the time field configured?

The time filter is applied to a Data View's time field. If a data view does not have a time field, then the global time filter is not applied to the panel.

Yes, I use the same data view, but while creating the index, I selected "Do not use timestamp".

while creating the index, I selected "Do not use timestamp".

This is your problem. Your data view does not have a time field. Go to "Stack management" -> "Data views" and select your data view. Click the "edit" button and add a time field for your data view.

I am trying to do what you said. But in the edit field.. the Timestamp field is highlighted to get edited. Screen shot attached.

This means you do not have any fields mapped as date type. You will need to update your ingest to ensure your time field is indexed as a date field.

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