GAUGE: Color is not changing

Hello everybody :sunny: ,

I have a problem with an gauge.
I have an value which average value I want to use. If the value is less than a specific value it should have the color green if the value is above, yellow and when the value is higher than a specific value it should have a red color. But the gauge is using always the "Highest Color Level" (red) even though the value is less than the value I have confgured.

Is there anything I have to consider ?

Thanks to all!
Best regards,
Robert :blush:

Something must be wrong with your config.

You can see how in my screenshot the gauge is yellow as the vaue is between 5000 and 7500.


Thanks for your answer!

I have made the same like you (but I use the visual builder in kibana 6.2.3), but the color is not changing…

Visual build gauge only shows data for the last bucket in the data histogram. Can you provide a couple of screen shots to better explain what you are trying to do and where the problems are?

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