Gauge with max count

Please help me to figure out how to create a gauge where:

  • max is based on the total unique count of particular field (in my case this is total unique number of logins)
  • gauge value is based on total unique count of particular field (in my case this is total unique number of logins) BUT between specified time range (now-4w/w - now)

You can do this with the Time Series Visual Builder gauge using a Bucket Script.

My example shows the count of the past 6h (Interval setting) as a percentage of the last 7 days (time range filter at the top).

I use the Count aggregation (gives me the total within the last 6h), as well as a Cumulative Sum on the Count aggregation (the total within the last 7 days). Then, I use a Bucket Script to calculate the percentage.

Lastly, I format the value as Percentage in the Data Options.

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