I'm trying to make a chart that shows for each superhero the time he's spent between to cities.
The problem is that I cannot add a field using "scripted field" method because it cannot match multiple docs at the same time. So, I think I should use aggregations but I don't really understand how it works for generating charts.
Actually, my goal is to join two docs by superhero "name" fields and make a duration by calculating the time difference between "arrival" fields of each document of the chosen superhero.
At the end I would like to have a chart gathering all superheros (or filtered ones) times duration calculated for disclosing who is lingering at the bar.
Thank you
#Doc A
"_index" : "test_inds",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"name" : """Iron Man""",
"arrival" : "2020-01-01T06:20:00.000Z",
"city" : "New-York",
"@timestamp" : "2020-04-01T14:11:58.536Z",
"loglvl" : "INFO"
#Doc B
"_index" : "test_inds",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"name" : """Iron Man""",
"arrival" : "2020-01-03T10:50:00.000Z",
"city" : "Los Angeles",
"@timestamp" : "2020-04-01T14:11:58.536Z",
"loglvl" : "INFO"