Generate date time string automatically

I am using Kibana and DSL query. I am searching a range of dates which should be set when I am running the query. For example - setting one date field with the current date and another 6 days earlier than the current date, all in the same JSON. In the following snippet the dates should be according the execution date and not "hard coded".

    "range": {
        "customs_statuses.date_time": {
            "gte": "2024-03-14",
            "lte": "2024-03-20"


Hello @elichai, welcome to the community!

You can use date math, if I understood correctly, something like this:

  "range": {
    "customs_statuses.date_time": {
      "gte": "now-6d/d",
      "lte": "now/d"
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Great. Thanks for the prompt answer.

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