Generate 'rollup_index' name based on index being rolled-up

I have a bunch of indices, those are time-series data.

GET _cat/indices/jti-log*
green open jti-logical-usage-q3-raw hppahZg0Qj6dLFWTl4ouIw
green open jti-logical-usage-q4-raw 6r5Y-bUFSqOIAl-Q-JSC5g
green open jti-logical-usage-q5-raw znT57xXhS5OGAjiVzGce_Q

Upon configuring rollup job, I'm trying to figure out a way to rollup to indices

jti-logical-usage-q3-raw => jti-logical-usage-q3-5min
jti-logical-usage-q4-raw => jti-logical-usage-q4-5min
jti-logical-usage-q5-raw => jti-logical-usage-q5-5min

I could configure 3 rollup jobs for 3 different indices:

PUT _rollup/job/older_than_1d_to_5min_q3
  "index_pattern": "jti-logical-usage-q3-raw",
  "rollup_index": "jti-logical-usage-q3-5min",
PUT _rollup/job/older_than_1d_to_5min_q4
  "index_pattern": "jti-logical-usage-q4-raw",
  "rollup_index": "jti-logical-usage-q4-5min",
PUT _rollup/job/older_than_1d_to_5min_q5
  "index_pattern": "jti-logical-usage-q5-raw",
  "rollup_index": "jti-logical-usage-q5-5min",

Just wondering if there is a way to configure this in one job.

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