Geo_point for conection map

I am currently mapping the data of a snort, but I was trying to convert two fields, which are the IP source and destination to geo_point. I am doing this in order to be able to create the map connection visualization.

Only location places me as geo_point


But the field I need for connection maps is string


This is what I have tried to do.

  geoip {
      source => "source"
       target => "geoip_source"

       geoip {
      source => "destination"
       target => "geoip_destination"

Thanks for support.


You will need a template to tell elasticsearch that those fields a geo_points. The default template includes an example of how to make a field a geo_point.

Thanks a lot Badger

I understand that this must be indicated to ES, but I have not yet found any concrete way on how to do it.

Excuse me, I'm first time in this.


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