Get all watches or search for watches

Is there a way to get a list of all watches? Suppose it would be nice if we could search against /_watcher/watch as well.

You can search against the .watches index, which is where the watches are stored.

For some reason I thought the warnings about only using the REST API to PUT and DELETE also applied to searches, but I am mistaken. Docs don't have any such warnings around GET/Search so I'll go down that path.


It appears I'll need to issue a Refresh after creating a watch if I want it immediately available for search. Is that intentional or should it be baked into the PUT watch?

What version of Watcher are you running?

Can you post the output of:

curl 'http://localhost:9200/_watcher?pretty'


{"version": {"name": "1.0.1","number": "1.0.1","build_hash": "4dc4485f3e364c8f90da5476c150f8cda024e7ae","build_timestamp": "2015-07-29T14:57:16Z","build_snapshot": false}}