when I am searching for a document using "_id" ,GET query is replacing "+" sign in the id with empty space. below is my id and query.
id: 2FDC1B4CF35B1A29A5F1FA232410B08887B40E46EMD5DOHcKn5R+q6Wiipsx8Hkg==20200818013300000000
GET tmx_lookup_1808/_doc/2FDC1B4CF35B1A29A5F1FA232410B08887B40E46EMD5DOHcKn5R+q6Wiipsx8Hkg==20200818013300000000
the "+" character in the document id is getting replaced and I am not able to find the document.
below is the response from elastic search with "+" character replaced.
"_index" : "tmx_lookup_1808",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "2FDC1B4CF35B1A29A5F1FA232410B08887B40E46EMD5DOHcKn5R q6Wiipsx8Hkg==20200818013300000000",
"found" : false
I am also attaching the kibana screenshot.
how can I search the document using GET query as I am having a requirement to search from buffer and cant use match query.
Thanks for the help..