Getting error while installing Sense in Kabana

Getting below error while trying to install Sense in Kabana

[root@quickstart kibana-6.2.2-linux-x86_64]# ./bin/kibana-plugin install
Attempting to transfer from
Transferring 1386775 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Error: end of central directory record signature not found
at /home/cloudera/Downloads/kibana-6.2.2-linux-x86_64/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:179:14
at /home/cloudera/Downloads/kibana-6.2.2-linux-x86_64/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:539:5
at /home/cloudera/Downloads/kibana-6.2.2-linux-x86_64/node_modules/fd-slicer/index.js:32:7
at FSReqWrap.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:683:17)
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Error retrieving metadata from plugin archive"

I am not using any proxy. Have already downloaded Sense offline but while installing I am encountering this error.
P.S. I have to use Kabana 6.2 since I am using Elastic Search 6.2.

Can anyone please guide me on this?

Sense is bundled with Kibana by default and do not need to be installed separately. It is available under Dev Tools -> Console.

Thanks a lot Christian.

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