OSX error install bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

I use OSX with elastic search5.4.0 and kibana 5.4.1, I'm trying to install xpack for kibana, but get following errors. Any ideas?

Error: end of central directory record signature not found
at /Users/abc/kibana-5.4.1/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:179:14
at /Users/abc/kibana-5.4.1/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:539:5
at /Users/abc/kibana-5.4.1/node_modules/fd-slicer/index.js:32:7
at FSReqWrap.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:682:17)
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Error retrieving metadata from plugin archive"

Can't reproduce. How did you install it?

I first install elastic search 5.4.0; then xpack plugin; then kibana 5.4.1; then xpack for kibana and get errors

I did not change any configuration files.

How? What are the exact command line you are using ?

Also, why mixing 5.4.0 and 5.4.1?

I followed the steps here https://www.elastic.co/downloads/x-pack

bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack (here I get error)

Googling after this seems to reveal partly that there are issues with proxies inbetween. Are you using a proxy?

Also you could try to download x-pack manually and do an offline install, there is some documentation to do that


Yes, I'm using a proxy server. Thanks very much, and I'll try the offline

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