Getting problems in install Watcher

I install Watcher as i see in the "getting-started" docs,

bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/watcher/my_key

and service elasticsearch restart

I get the following error "elasticsearch dead but subsys locked" and nothing worked even this link did not help me...

elasticsearch came back to life only when i uninstall watcher

Is there anything in the Elasticsearch logs?

In the log file i see
" Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen.ZenDiscovery.(Lorg/elasticsearch/common/settings/Settings;Lorg/elasticsearch/cluster/ClusterName;Lorg/elasticsearch/threadpool/ThreadPool;Lorg/elasticsearch/transport/TransportService;Lorg/elasticsearch/cluster/ClusterService;Lorg/elasticsearch/node/settings/NodeSettingsService;Lorg/elasticsearch/cluster/node/DiscoveryNodeService;Lorg/elasticsearch/discovery/zen/ping/ZenPingService;Lorg/elasticsearch/discovery/zen/elect/ElectMasterService;Lorg/elasticsearch/discovery/DiscoverySettings;)V
at org.elasticsearch.discovery.ec2.Ec2Discovery.(Unknown Source)
while locating org.elasticsearch.discovery.ec2.Ec2Discovery
while locating org.elasticsearch.discovery.Discovery
for parameter 3 at org.elasticsearch.node.service.NodeService.(Unknown Source)
while locating org.elasticsearch.node.service.NodeService
for parameter 5 at org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.node.stats.TransportNodesStatsAction.(Unknown Source)......"
whene i remark discovery.type: ec2 in the yml file.
its work now, but why?i need this seeting.

Hmm that is odd.
I'll point the Watcher and the AWS plugin team here and maybe they can assist.

What ES version are you on?
What version of the AWS plugin is installed?

I run this
/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.4.1

What ES version are you on

Version 2.4.1 isn't compatible with ES 1.5, you need to install version 2.5.1:

Can you run the following command:
bin/plugin install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.5.1

Now it works, thank you very much! :thumbsup: