Unable to get watcher to work in elastic search 6.3.2

I have elastic search 6.3.2 version running in a node, i want to use the watcher capability but enabling watcher in elaststicsearch.yml seems not to get the the watche up as no watcher index is created.
here is a sample of my .yml file.

bootstrap.memory_lock: true
cluster.name: elasticsearch
http.port: 9200
node.data: true
node.ingest: true
node.master: true
node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
node.name: ********
path.data: E:\Monitoring\ElasticSearch\Data
path.logs: E:\Monitoring\ElasticSearch\Logs
transport.tcp.port: 9300
xpack.license.self_generated.type: basic
xpack.security.enabled: false
xpack.watcher.enabled: true
xpack.watcher.index.rest.direct_access : true
network.publish_host: ************
network.host: *****************

Alerting/Watcher is not available with the Basic license. See our subscriptions page for details of which features that are available with which license.

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