Go to next page in Canvas

Is it possible to navigate from page to page by clicking on an element? For instance I am page 1 and if I click on a product image I can go to page 3 which contains more information? It seems like something that should be obvious but I can't find any way to navigate through pages at all.

To be more clear, I am aware you can use markdown, but how would this work when using an image asset?

AM not sure if you can paginate on images individually, the entire canvas page can be paginated. Here is a good reference( blogpost) on using markdown in canvas where this can be achieved. Bit if you are specifically looking for something, I would suggest opening an feature request( enhancement) here: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/new?template=Feature_request.md

I am copying @poff for further inputs.



Hi @rashmi, thanks already for the reply. Could you post the actual url to the blog you mentioned?

I'll raise a request also, I love the options already but being able to navigate quickly to other parts (like for instance clicking on a chart and going to a dedicated dashboard) would be really useful I think.

oops, sorry to post the blogpost link here: https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-canvas-metric-and-markdown-elements

cc @tims


Also , please consider raising an enhancement request for the feature you suggested. We are not yet supporting this.


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