Golang How to parse alerting rule (index connector) document hits

In the below sample the alert doument created by the alerting rule, contains 3 documents (json objects) under hits but they are NOT contained in an array , so in Go unable to parse them

Can someone helpme parse the hits documents which comma seperated string of josn objects and are not inside an array

Sample document created by Alert rule type log

[map[_id:2s3kfXoB2vuM1J-EwpE7 _index:alert-X _score:%!s(float64=1) 
			action_group:query matched 
			alert_id:query matched 
			alert_name:alert events login 
				{"_index":".ds-logs-events-2021.06.30-000005","_type":"_doc","_id":"S83kfXoB2vuM1J-Eo4_v", ... 
			rule_name:alert events login
			title:alert 'alert events login' matched query 

Getting error

2021/07/07 12:21:19 Error decoding response parse error: expected [ near offset 5818 of '{\"_index\...'
exit status 1

Using official go-elasticsearch
Using easyjson

concatenated document hits with array block and unmarshalled it.

				{"_index":".ds-logs-events-2021.06.30-000005","_type":"_doc","_id":"S83kfXoB2vuM1J-Eo4_v", ... 