Got a problem with "size" in kibana

I loaded a file with 9177 records into ES 2.4.0 using logstash 2.4.0. When i seen the graph in Kibana 4.6.0 its giving abnormal results like when I mention "size" as 5 its showing the count as 8 (As like in the first pic). When I changed the size to 10 its showing the count as 10. but the actual result is 10.

I tried multi queries which is giving different results.

GET smsc_small/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        {"term": {"OA": "DT-AIRCEL"}},
        {"term": {"DA": "918760689889"}}
"hits": {
    "total": 10,
    "max_score": 7.6744456,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "smsc_small",
        "_type": "CDR",
GET smsc_small/_search
  "size": 0, 
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        {"term": {"OA": "DT-AIRCEL"}}
  "aggs": {
    "groupby_numbers": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "DA"
"groupby_numbers": {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 10,
      "sum_other_doc_count": 3584,
      "buckets": [
          "key": "918760689889",
          "doc_count": 10
          "key": "917502093169",
          "doc_count": 6

These quiries are looking Ok. But why the graph showing 8????/ Please help

Moving this to the Kibana category since this question is about Kibana

The size relates to the number of terms (i.e. bars) you want to be shown on the chart, not the scale of the y-axis.

@colings86 I know that the size belongs to terms. So if I change the "size" the count should not vary. But its varied. That is the main cause for this post. Please check why its(count in Y-axis) varying while changing the "size"