Head and Kopf available on 5.0 beta?

Are elasticsearch-head and kopf plugins available on the latest 5.0 beta version of ES?

I tried to install but it returns: "unknown plugin"

5.0 doesn't support site plugin so if those projects do support 5.0 then
you would have to use them in some other way.

You probably want to read this: https://www.elastic.co/blog/running-site-plugins-with-elasticsearch-5-0

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Hi, I can't tell you anything about Head but there is a way to use current version of Kopf with elasticsearch 5 you can read more about it here: https://github.com/lmenezes/cerebro/issues/3. As you can see this issue is from the Cerebro project which is a next version of Kopf for elasticsearch 5.

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