Heartbeat download for Windows is actually for Linux/Unix

This page says to download the Windows zip file

But the download page does not have a zip file. It defaults to RPM

I downloaded the RPM file to the Windows server and used 7Zip to extract it. The extracted file is a CPIO file. I extracted the CPIO file.

There is no install-service-heartbeat.ps1 file. The folder structure looks Linux-like

Did you select the Windows x86_64 version in the drop down menu?

I've just downloaded the windows zip file from that page.

If you want, the direct link is: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/heartbeat/heartbeat-8.1.2-windows-x86_64.zip

To the point of the original post, the first option in the download page is indeed RPM; you can use the dropdown selector to choose the Windows option to get an MSI installer, which should also install Heartbeat to the correct location.

My apologies. I did not notice the scrollbar on the right side of the drop down menu.

I did indeed find the Windows ZIP version. It was at the very bottom of the meu.

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